CIRCUS NEXT NIGHT / OLGA / cirqAnalogique and Right Way Down

C!CAF wishes to celebrate and support talented emerging creators who in their works challenge, push and develop the contemporary circus art form

Photo: Clara Pedrol / Olof Grind

C!CAF wishes to celebrate and support talented emerging creators who in their works challenge, push and develop the contemporary circus art form.

We therefore dedicate Monday in the festival program to two upcoming groups who has been acknowledged by CircusNext: LP (long play) by OLGA / cirqAnalogique (UY/ES) and Wald by Right Way Down (DK/SE/GB/DE).

Due to the 2020-21 corona lockdown, the final selection process in the international CircusNext network has been postponed to May 2021. Likewise, the artists have been severely obstructed in their creation process.

So, it is with great pleasure that we now present the Danish audience with two exciting works in progress  – for testing, exchange and feedback.

OLGA / cirqAnalogique is in 2020-21 among the nominees to become CircusNext Laureates.

In 2020-21, Right Way Down was nominated as Scandinavian candidates for the CircusNext Laureates nomination.

Performs at Den Grå Hal, Refshalevej 2, 1436 København K.



OLGA / cirqAnalogique / LP (long play) (UY/ES)WORK IN PROGRESS

Photo: Clara Pedrol

A cry of resistance that pays tribute to the generation of the new millennium!

From the Bible to the Smartphone, from Virgin Mary to the non-binary androgynous, from classical music to techno, from Donald Trump to Christine and the Queens… Drenched in the symbols of the past and with anxious eyes set on the future, we are struck by the unfi­nished question of the present.

A work in progress that creeps in under your skin and gnaws at the complexity of Generation Millennium.

Catalina Aguayo, trapeze artist and project manager, started circus in Montevideo, after having been a professional gymnast for 10 years. At the age of 19 she started the diploma in circus arts at the University of San Martin, in Buenos Aires, where she graduated in 2011. In 2013 she started her professional training at the Circus Arts Center in Toulouse, “Le Lido”, finishing the diploma in 2017.

Alejandro Dutra, juggler, musician and project manager, has – as a musician and composer – since 2015 focused his musical research on electronic and experimental music. He followed the preparatory training at the Lyon circus school between 2014 and 2015, with Julien Clément and Olivier Burleaud. Between 2015 and 2018, he completed the professional diploma at the Circus Art Center of Toulouse, “Le Lido”.

Nominated as a CircusNext Laureate 2019 (the finale selection has been postponed from May 2020 to May 2021, due to Covid-19).


Creation and performance by: Catalina Aguayo and Alejandro Dutra

Composer: Alejandro Dutra

External eye: Marlène Rostaing

Costume designer and aesthetic advisor: Clara Aguayo

Right Way Down / Wald (DK/SE/GB/DE)

Photo: Olof Grind

A wild forest of limbs in symbiosis!

Silently, they emerge as roots and budding limbs that reach far beyond the imagination. Growth, decay, destruction, rebirth. All is connected in the heart – in nature – in the ecosystem.

In Wald, the young collective Right Way Down invites the audience on a beautiful and sensuous outing in the woods. Using hand balancing as a brush, they paint a picture of community as reflected in the forest, a mighty collective in its own right; both resilient and fragile.

Right Way Down consists of six handstand artists: Matthew Pasquet, Lisa Angberg, Sunniva Byvard, Isak Arvidsson, Imogen Huzel and Mikael Kristiansen.


Creation and performance by: Matthew Pasquet, Lisa Angberg, Sunniva Byvard, Isak Arvidsson, Imogen Huzel and Mikael Kristiansen

Composer: Jonatan Krogh

Lighting design: Kenneth Danielsen 

Outside eye: Tom Brand

Costumes: Stina Resting

Technician: Topher Dagg

Photographer: Olof Grind

Videographer: Jonathan Morell

Co-produced by Dynamo Workspace (DK) and Dansinitiativet (SE). Supported by The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, the Swedish Arts Council and The Danish Arts Foundation. Selected for the CircusLink project, which is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.