(foto: Karim Zeriahem)
Performs on the 12th of April, 20.00 at Den Grå Hal, Refshalevej 2, 1436 Copenhagen K. (CHILDREN FROM THE AGE OF 10)
Who’s ready to catch?
Alexandre Fray is back in town! In the 2010s, he revolutionized acrobatics with FACE NORD by Un loup pour l’Homme. Now, he once again confirms his pioneering status, this time in the field of community circus.
The performance comes to life through a tender and intense collaboration between acrobat Alexandre Fray and five local grandmothers. They spend three days, getting to know each other. Three days to explore the physicality of their bodies, their limitations, and surprising abilities. On the fourth day, they take over Den Grå Hal with a performance, as a touching illustration of what can happen when we let go and trustfully allow ourselves to be led by what arises in the encounter with “the other.” And how beautiful it is when someone is ready to catch us.
Partner acrobatics with a fragility, you probably never experienced before!
Alexandre Fray, professional acrobat for over 20 years and artistic director of cie Un loup pour l’Homme. On judo or fundamental mathematics, circus prevailed. founded 18 years ago. After training at CNAC, 2002, (National Center for Circus Arts, 2002), he founded cie Un loup pour l’Homme in 2005, with Fred Arsenault, to devote himself to a renewed circus practice, anchored in acrobatic partnering, freed from gymnastic or traditional tricks, naturally dedicated to considering others and their differences, and revealing our human nature. Appris par corps, an emblematic duo from 2007, laid the foundation for the groundbreaking and trendsetting piece Face Nord in 2011. Parallel to this work, Alexandre has been preoccupied with community circus, and since 2006, he has led The Grandmother Project, in which he – in the contact with the elderly – questions his practice as a porteur (the base in hand-to-hand). More info here.
Artistic direction: Alexandre Fray, Artistic design: Alexandre Fray, Miriam Kooyman, Cathy Blisson, Performers: Alexandre Fray and 4 to 5 local grandmothers, Sound design and caring for the grandmothers: Cathy Blisson, Outside eye, set design: Christophe Bergon, Video: Karim Zeriahen, Technical team: Pierre-Jean Faggiani, Romain Antoine, Production and booking: Lou Henry, Emma Lefrançois, Chloé Vancutsem, Press relations: Estelle Laurentin, Thanks to: Caroline Cardoso, Production: Un loup pour l’Homme.
Coproduction: Le Manège SN Reims (FR-51), Centre Culturel Jean Houdremont La Courneuve (FR-93), Théâtre d’Arles SC (FR-13), Cirque Théâtre d’Elbeuf PNC (FR-76), Ay Roop Rennes (FR-35). Support: Lavrar o Mar – COSANOSTRA, Aljezur (PT), Festival de La Cité Lausanne (CH), La Faïencerie de Creil (FR-60). Un loup pour l’Homme is member of Filage. Partners: DRAC Hauts-de-France, Région Hauts-de-France.
Documentary “La visite de l’acrobate” (2017) – about working with the grandmothers. By Mathilde Benignus in collaboration with Alexandre Fray, montage by Antoine Dubois.